Our services

We are a technology agnostic studio. This means that we are flexible with the software, integrations and programming languages we use and will find the best solution to fit your needs. If you have tools or a certain tech stack that you’d like to stay with, we can work with that as well!


Whether you are a start-up or an enterprise business, whatever your digital product needs, we’re here to help.


UI/UX design

User Experience and User Interaction design both centre the user in name and that’s what we aim to do with our work. We like to really get to know our clients and their customers or users to inform the direction that we take with our designs. Processes like company workshops, user research, personas, user testing, wire-framing will help fine tune your product.

High fidelity design mock ups and prototypes will help bring your vision to life and we work in ways that ensure seamless handover to developers.

Data visualisation

Communicating key findings and information gathered from data can be a difficult task but we love to experiment with new ways of visualising data so that users can be engaged with the content.


Good branding can say a lot about a business. It can leave a strong impression, communicate a company’s values, resonate with the target audience and more.

Explore your product or business’s identity with us and create a logo or a set of brand guidelines that are professional, authentic and versatile. With a strong set of brand guidelines, your branding will be scalable and will be able to expand and grow with your company.

Print & collateral designs

Let your stationery and print materials be not just an afterthought but something that reflects your brand’s personality. We can help you create beautiful printed products in a range of applications:

– Business cards
– Corporate stationery
– Event stationery
– Packaging
– Tri-fold flyers
– Posters
– Event banners
– Custom apparel
– Anything else!


Custom illustrations always add a personal touch to a project. This can range from small applications like unique icons, to a library of brand illustrations or even large mural designs.


Full stack development

We have a team of passionate developers that are comfortable with both front end and back end development. We pride ourselves in building websites that are both beautiful and functional. Our job is to bring designs to life without compromise!

Our design and development services work perfectly together hand in hand but if you already have designs ready, we can still help you bring your vision to life. We can work within many different frameworks and it often depends on what is most suitable to your product.

Mobile & desktop apps

Are you interested in creating an app? We have experience creating apps that are currently in use in many industries. No matter the stage of your ideation we can help you, whether that means helping you design and build the MVP (minimum viable product) or creating a full and comprehensive app.

Custom websites

If you think that your project requires something a little more custom, that’s our speciality. We love tinkering with new ideas and creating unique websites. When it comes to more custom websites, responsiveness is often an oversight and we can help you design and build websites that work beautifully across all devices.

E-commerce websites

Do you want to refresh your e-commerce website or add new features? We have worked with major Australian and international e-commerce brands to re-haul their customer experience or to implement additional features with the customer’s shopping journey in mind. We are happy to work with different platforms for example Shopify.

Game dev

Naturally, as a team of geeks and nerds, we are interested in experimenting with and making games. We currently make indie games under the moniker Neon Nautilus.


Information architecture

Information architecture is how you structure your digital product and all of the information that goes into it. Structuring and showing users your information in an intuitive way is vital for a good digital product and a good user experience. This applies to website, apps and any digital product.


Websites and apps with a good structure can be a joy to navigate through and will provide users the least amount of resistance when when finding what they’re looking for!

Tech consulting

Our senior devs have years of experience under their belt and are always striving to find solutions that are innovative, efficient and cost effective.

UX audits

Do you want to optimise your digital product? With a second opinion through expert eyes, we can offer suggestions on how to make your website or app more user friendly, more accessible and more eye-catching.

We can benchmark your digital product against industry standards and compare it against current trends and competitors. This can be a useful way to start a new project or it can be a great tool for planning future updates to your product.

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Let's make something great together.

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